You are browsing Taiwan Rail

Enjoy a hassle free and convenient holiday in Taiwan by travelling to major scenic spots with Taiwan High Speed Rail or Taiwan Railways Trains. Choose from 3 Days Consecutive or 5 Days Standard/Premium Joint Pass depending on your travel needs. Passes are only available for foreign visitors and must be purchased outside of Taiwan.
Why Taiwan Rail Pass?

  • Purchase only outside of Taiwan
  • Enjoy unlimited ride on Taiwan High Speed Train
  • Cost effective
  • Flexible and easy pace for independent travellers

Taiwan Rail Pass cover all the station : Taipei(台北) – Banqiao(板桥) – Taoyuan(桃园) – Hsinchu(新竹) – Miaoli(苗栗) -Taichung(台中) – Changhua(彰化)- Yunlin(云林)- Chiayi(嘉义) – Tainan(台南) – Zuoying(左营)-the nearest station to Kaohsiung(高雄)


Youth Discount: The Youth fare is dedicated to travellers who are between these years of age.
